
In 2029, the Nutrition Science Study Program of the Faculty of Health Sciences, UMS, will become a center for education and development of superior science and technology and arts, Islamic and provide direction for change in the field of nutrition.


  1. Organizing education in the field of nutrition so as to produce graduates who are competent, independent and have Islamic personalities.
  2. Developing research that supports the implementation of science and technology in the field of nutrition
  3. Organizing community service to support the creation of a healthy main community.


  1. To become a superior study program in providing education in the field of nutrition.
  2. To produce graduates who are competent in the field of nutrition, capable of entrepreneurship and have good character according to Islamic values.
  3. To produce research that supports the development of science and technology in the field of nutrition.
  4. To generate community service in the field of nutrition to improve the degree of public health.


Decree ofLAM-PTKes SK No. 002/LAM-PTKes/Akr.Bd/Sar/II/2020